Pets Word Search Puzzle [free printable PDF for kids]

Pets are a big part of many people’s lives. This pets word search puzzle contains 21 words related to pets and pet care.

It is free printable PDF word search puzzle for kids.

(Please note this is free for single user or for a family. If you want to get it for your classroom please consider supporting me on Teachers Pay Teachers. Thank you.)

Below is a picture of the pets word search puzzle.

Pets Word Search Puzzle for kids. A free printable PDF word search puzzle.
This is what the Pets word search puzzle looks like. Click image to open the puzzle in a new window.

Click here to download the free Pets Word Search Puzzle. (Opens in a new window)

This Pets word search puzzle for kids has 21 pet-related words including:

  • caring
  • grooming
  • food
  • collar
  • responsibility
  • dog
  • turtle
  • cat
  • fish
  • hamster
  • and many more…

Word search puzzles can be a fun way to introduce kids to new vocabulary or topics.

And they provide a great springboard to talk to your children about pets and the responsibility associated with owning a pet.

A recent statistic from the ‘APPA National Pet Owners Survey‘ states that 67% of households in the United States owns a pet.

That equates to a lot of dogs, cats, fish, birds and other pets out there.

If children want a pet it is important for them to understand all the responsibilities that go along with having an animal.

If you and your child want to go other the various responsibilities of owning a pet, you should check out this page from the American Veterinary Medical Association.

If you want more free word search puzzles for kids check out:

Or to go directly to our list of word search puzzles for kids click here.

Thank you and I hope your children enjoy the word search puzzle.

Tim from Puzzletainment Publishing

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