Moana Word Search Puzzle for Kids – unofficial [free printable PDF]

Do your kids love the Disney movie Moana? If so, they’ll love this free Moana word search printable PDF.

Moana word search puzzle for kids
Moana word search

Who is this Moana word search for?

This is a free printable word search for kids. It does contain some diagonal words so it may be a little too tricky for students younger than Grade 3. (But they can try.)

What does the Moana word search look like?

Below is a picture of the word search puzzle. If you click the picture below it will open the PDF puzzle in a new browser window. And then you can print it off directly from your internet browser.

Moana word search puzzle for kids. Free printable PDF word search
Moana word search – click to open it in a new browser window

Is there a solution for this word search?

Yes, the second page of this PDF features the solution to this word search.

Solutions page for the Moana word search
Click to open the Moana word find in a new browser window

How do you get the word search puzzle?

Click Here to Open the Moana word search puzzle (opens in a new browser window).

Or you can click either of the pictures above to open the puzzle in a new browser window.

What words are in this Moana word find?

This word search features 14 words related to Moana including some characters, locations and descriptions of the storyline.

Some of the characters from the movie include:

  • Moana
  • Maui
  • HeiHei
  • Tui
  • Sina
  • Grandma Tala
  • and more…

(One of the cutest characters from the movie that is not in the Pua – Moana’s little pig. Sorry I forgot to add this little guy.)

Is Moana an official Disney Princess?

Yes, Moana is one of the 12 official Disney princesses (as of when I published this in March 2021).

She is one of the most adventurous Disney princesses and she is very determined to succeed when she sets her mind on something.

For more information on Moana – and some fun Moana activities – click here to see the official Disney site.

Note about Copyright

This is an “unofficial” Moana word search puzzle. It is not associated or endorsed by Disney. I am using the Disney trademarks under fair use of copyright for educational purposes and providing the puzzle free to you the reader.

The Disney artwork and clipart was from

Note about Sustainability

Please try to print this word search on recycled paper, or on the backside of scrap paper to avoid using new paper.

Do you want some other Disney word search puzzles?

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For a complete listing of our word searches for kids click here.

Thank you and I hope you enjoy the puzzle.

Tim from Puzzletainment

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