20 Countries of Europe Word Search [free printable PDF]

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Do you want a fun screen-free activity for your kids? Check out this Countries of Europe word search puzzle featuring 20 European countries. There are more than 20 countries in Europe, but this word search is a good start for your child to learn more about Europe.

Who is this Countries of Europe word search for? 

This word search is intended for students in middle-school grades (Grades 6-8), but younger and older students will enjoy it as well.

The 20 countries of Europe featured in this puzzle are a good springboard for your child to learn more about Europe.

What format is it in? 

This is a printable word search puzzle in PDF format.

Please note: This is free for a single user or family. If you are interested in this for your class, please consider supporting us on our TeachersPayTeachers store.

Click here to open the puzzle in a new browser window. Then from there you can print it off and start enjoying right away.

What does this Countries of Europe word search look like?  

Below is a picture showing what this word search looks like. You can click the picture below to open the European countries word search PDF in a new browser window. (Then you can print it off from there.)

20 Countries of Europe word search puzzle
20 European Countries Word Search puzzle (click to open in a new browser window)

Is there an answer page for this word search?

Yes. The countries of Europe word search answers are on the second page of the PDF. (Click the picture below to open the puzzle in a new browser window.)

Countries of Europe word search answers
Click to open the puzzle in a new browser window

What words are in this word search puzzle? 

This puzzle features 20 European countries.

There are more than 20 countries in Europe. According to this article there are 44 sovereign nations in Europe.

I have included the word Czechia which is the official short form for Czech Republic. It fit better into the puzzle grid. (And I believe it is how the government of this country wants it to be known.)

This puzzle with 20 European countries is a good introduction to European geography.

You could ask them to research what European countries WERE NOT included on this list. (That should keep them busy for awhile.)

Up Next: 

25 European Capital Cities word search puzzle

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Pirates word search puzzle

Pirates word search puzzle

For our complete list of word search puzzles for kids click here.

Thank you and I hope your children enjoy the puzzle.

Tim from Puzzletainment