Monster Trucks Word Search (free printable PDF)

If your child loves monster trucks and word searches, here is a puzzle that is perfect for them.

This monster truck word search features 20 words related to these steel beasts.

Monster Trucks word search printable PDF
Click to open the PDF puzzle in a new browser window.

Click Here to get the puzzle.

(The puzzle will open in a new browser window.)

Is the answer included?

Yes, the second page of the PDF features the solution.

Hey, did you know…

This puzzle is just one of the 108 fun word searches featured in our book “108 Great Word Searches for Kids: Ages 8-12” that is available on Amazon. (That’s why it says “Word Search #72” on the puzzle.)

108 Great word searches for kids.

If your child likes this monster truck word search, they’ll LOVE the book.

Hours of entertaining, screen-free activities. You won’t be disappointed.

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